Centre of Expertise on Counter-Terrorism


The Centre of Expertise on Counter-Terrorism (CELT) was created at the initiative of the Écoles de Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan in December 2015, in partnership with the UN Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED), the Saint-Cyr Foundation and the SNCF. It is under the direction of Mr Jean-Paul Laborde, former Executive Director of the UN Counter-Terrorism Committee.

Upcoming event

9-10 March 2020: Workshop on “Combating the financing of terrorism” co-organised with the International Monetary Fund [REPORTÉ]

Past events


Invisible Wounds and Terrorism published by Economica (2018) under the direction of Ronan Doaré, Director General of Education and Research at the Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan schools, and Jean-Michel Le Masson, Head of the Zonal Health Service for the General Secretariat for Administration of the Ministry of the Interior.
Jean-Michel Le Masson presents the book on France 3 Bretagne

Fighting against terrorism published by Economica (2017) edited by Eric Ghérardi, Director General of Education and Research at the Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan schools, and Ronan Doaré, Director of the Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan schools research centre.

Special issue on Terrorism, organising an effective response of the magazine Défense et Sécurité Internationale (April 2016).

Study reports

2018 : The legal framework applicable within the SNCF to the hypotheses of agents in the process of radicalisation
2017 : Social acceptability of security measures by SNCF customers

Other activities

October 2019:
Speech by Ambassador Laborde on the application of international humanitarian law and human rights law in armed conflict at an event organised by the Institute of humanitarian law and the international and comparative law research centre
Speech by Ambassador Laborde on the fight against terrorism and cybercrime

September 2019:
Speech by Ambassador Laborde on transnational criminal lawat the graduation ceremony of the ICT Toulouse
Speech by Ambassador Laborde on the contribution of criminology to the fight against terrorism at a congress organised by the Basque Association of Criminology
Speech by Ambassador Laborde on the link between the situation in Libya, organised crime and terrorism at a side event of the UN General Assembly

June 2019:
Definition of terrorism and international cooperation by Ambassador Laborde
Intervention of Ambassador Laborde at the joint meeting of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean and the Grand National Assembly of Turkey on the prosecution and repatriation of CTEs

April 2019:
Speech by Ambassador Laborde on jihadists, their families and returnees at the Parliamentarians’ Conference in St Petersburg
Synthesis on the judicial treatment of the return of Foreign Fighters or “returnees” from Iraq and Syria to the national territory by Stéphane Baudens
Interview with Ambassador Laborde by Mélanie Crozat of S&D Magazine on cyber, organised crime and terrorism

February 2019 :
Hearing of Ambassador Laborde by the General Inspectorate of Finance for the preparation of the visit of the Gafi Mission in 2019 in order to assess France’s capacities in the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing
Intervention of Ambassador Laborde on transnational organised crime for the Global Initiative against Organised Crime

September 2018:
Speech by Ambassador Laborde at the launch of the UN World Atlas of Illicit Flows
Speech by Ambassador Laborde on the links between arms trafficking and terrorism at the International Conference on Combating Arms Trafficking in the Fight against International Terrorism in Moscow

May 2018:
Interview with Ambassador Laborde by Mélanie Crozat of S&D Magazine on the fight against terrorism
Intervention of Ambassador Laborde on the responsibility for the crimes committed by Daech in Iraq

November 2018:
Intervention by Ambassador Laborde on the links between terrorism and transnational organised crime on the occasion of the Moscow international conference on the fight against terrorism

April 2018:
Summary of the Steering Committee meeting in the framework of the EU-UNODC initiative on strengthening the legal regime against forward terrorist fighters in the Middle East, North Africa and South East Europe which Ambassador Laborde attended in Vienna.
Ambassador Laborde’s intervention in Vienna on the responsibility for the crimes committed by Daech in Iraq
Speech by Ambassador Laborde at the conclusion of the Security Thursdays conference on the fight against terrorism

March 2018:
Recommendations by Ambassador Jean-Paul Laborde on evidence collected by the military in the fight against terrorism
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