Following the terrorist attacks of 2015 and 2016, the law aimed at strengthening the legal security of law enforcement interventions was enacted on 28 February 2017. The use of firearms is now governed by a unified framework applicable to police officers and gendarmes as well as to customs officers and military personnel deployed as part of Operation Sentinel, for example.
The government is continuing the fight against insecurity and has asked for a parliamentary report to help it define a vision of the place of each of the actors, while reflecting on measures to simplify or modernise the procedures applicable to each of them and examining the methods of control and regulation of municipal police forces and private security.
After a historical review of developments in the use of firearms by the security forces, the aim of this day is to study the contributions of the law of 28 February 2017, then to open the debate on the role of the armed forces on the national territory and finally to present the role of other security actors, municipal police, private companies and their armament in certain cases.
Following several scientific events organised in 2016, 2017 and 2018, this study day is part of the Centre of Expertise for the Fight against Terrorism inaugurated in December 2015. It is the result of collaboration between the UN Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED), the SNCF, the Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan schools and the Saint-Cyr Foundation.
Open to the public, this study day will be approached from a multidisciplinary angle with the aim of providing elements for reflection and formulating credible proposals.
This day is sponsored by the French Association of Security and Defence Law.