Following the terrorist attacks of January 2015, the fight against terrorism on national territory has been militarised. The presence of military personnel operating within the framework of Operation Sentinel has become a regular occurrence for the inhabitants of large cities. Reassuring for some, anxiety-provoking for others, this presence is now part of time. Yet soldiers have become the targets of recurrent terrorist attacks.
In the first round table, the aim of this colloquium is to take stock of the commitment of the armed forces on national territory by presenting the evolution of the threat and the response of the State, as well as the adaptation of the Ministry of the Interior. Then the legal and doctrinal aspects will be discussed in the 2nd and 3rd round tables. Finally, the developments and the place of the military on the national territory will be studied during the last round table.
Reserved for personnel from the Ministries of Defence, the Interior and Justice, this study day will be approached from a multidisciplinary angle with the aim of providing concrete answers and innovative proposals.