Developing applied research useful to the fight against terrorism implies associating the best contributors, both academically and operationally, and covering a broad spectrum, from the anticipation of terrorist acts to the confrontation and then to all forms of post-attack resilience.
The contributors are in line with this logic of seeking scientific excellence with an operational vocation and illustrate the variety and high level of thinking that CELT strives to federate in order to contribute to the fight against terrorism undertaken by France.
This colloquium follows the publication of the special issue of the journal Défense et Sécurité Internationale (No. 47, April 2016) and marks the first in a series of scientific events that CELT will organise in order to carry out an ambitious long-term work programme.
The proceedings of the conference are published in the book Lutter contre le terrorisme (Fighting Terrorism), published by Economica.